Wednesday, June 9, 2010

When you become a Mom, nothing your husband does is right

A funny little secret about being a Mom that no one shares with you, is your husband will basically do no right. I don't know how it happens, or when it happens, but it happens. If he's really involved with the baby, then you get mad because he's critical and he doesn't follow the proper routine. If he's backs off and lets you manage everything, then he's not interested in the baby or the family or (insert emotional outburst here.)

I'm not saying this to take away anything from the tremendous amount of work that mothers do--no way--but I have to sit back and look at husbands and feel a little badly for them, because in essence it's almost impossible to please us.

I'm going to say that a good amount of that comes from the all the multi-tasking your average mom does. If you're working, you're juggling work, house, family, wife, mom, professional and almost any other role you can.

And parenthood with all it's joys, tribulations and successes, it probably the hardest and most rewarding role you'll ever have in your life.

So, Moms--try to ease off a little when your husband comes home. As that old joke goes, let him get his other food in the door. And Dads--try to see all the great valuable work the Mom does, and understand when she gets a little cranky. And most importantly--hug your kids. They'll be off to college before you know it.

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