Friday, December 18, 2009

So we're poor this Christmas...

I don't know about you, but about the best news I got this Christmas were folks asking if it was ok that we not exchange presents this year due to the economy. Is it ok? HECK yeah, it's ok!! I loathe Christmas present shopping, mostly, because I spend hours and hours on lines, searching for stuff, and spending gobs of money, just to get that mediocre and forced, "Oh, thank you. I love it." And of course, there's the exchange of the list of things "wanted." This is often followed by the disappointment when each item isn't received, or God forbid I go off the list. Sorry, I wasn't going to remortgage the house just for your Christmas gift. How thoughtless of me.

The honest to goodness truth is, if we all take a moment to pause and think about it, we have everything we need. I honestly do not need another sweater, purse, piece of jewelry, pot or other kitchen utensil, or those damn and dreaded knickknacks that I absolutely can not and will not ever dust. (Trust me. I just won't get to it.)

If I think back, some of my most favorite presents really weren't things at all. They were the gestures that people extended to me. It was the thoughtfulness or caring associated with whatever it is. Growing up where sometimes we got headboards for Christmas because we needed them (and we thought the clanking was a bike.), it was impressed upon me early that sometimes necessity can take the place of frivolity; and that at the end of the day, I needed to be thankful for every moment. It was the thought, the caring and most importantly--the people that made Christmas. It was all the aunts and uncles, long passed from this earth, that made my Christmas jolly and bright. It was their laughter, stories, food, hugs and presence that I reflect on because I honestly couldn't even begin to chronicle the items I received.

So for some of you out there who are cutting back, do not lament the things you don't have and appreciate the things you do have and most importantly, cherish the people in your life. Be the memories that some person will sit back and thing about when they're my age and smile. To all--A MERRY CHRISTMAS.

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